PLL Therapeutics

Highway from Diagnostics to Therapy

PLL Therapeutics’ polypeptide delivery platform for restoring gut permeability combines early-stage diagnostics and therapeutics to treat the root cause of auto-immune, neurodegenerative (ALS) and proliferative disorders.

Polypeptide delivery platform: a new way to transport API at the point of use. Read more …

Diagnostics service: Early-stage and companion diagnostics. Read more …

Clinical trials: Treating patients at the root of the disease. Read more …

Leadership Team

Jean-Pascal Zambaux

Jean-Pascal ZAMBAUX

co-founder & shareholder, CEO

Michel Larroche


co-founder & shareholder

Mario Philips


co-founder & shareholder

Joe Boncore


new shareholder

News & Resources

The intestine is well known to be our second brain and nearly 500 million neurons line our intestine (20 times less than our brain). But in the history of humanity was not the intestine our first Brain? The first primitive organisms were a simple digestive tract!...

The safety of PLL001 was evaluated in vivo in SOD1 mice treated or. This study was carried out in 60 mice split 4 groups (WT vehicle group1, SOD1 vehicle group 2, SOD1 Low Dose group 3 and SOD1 High Dose group 4). The low dose was estimated to be equivalent of the foreseen clinical dose and the high dose was 10 folds higher....

More and more the Gut is highlighted in many diseases as playing a key role in Parkinson or ALS by being the open gate for many components as bacteria, fungal element, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), toxins and chemicals to move in the blood and in the brain which can have a role in the development of the disease and in its chronicity....